Image Manufacturer Device name Type Description Eco Camera

AccordSoft Navi-Track 256 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

AccordSoft Navi-Track 257 Vehicle AIS-140 & DIMTS Compliance, 2 Way voice communication with external mic and speaker interface
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Accutracking Accutracking Vehicle Easy Real-time GPS Tracking Real-time location
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer

Alematics AM1 Vehicle AM1 Series is a comprehensive vehicle tracking solution that is equipped with big capacity backup battery (optional).
Internal Battery, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Amigo NEO300 Personal NEO 300 is a GSM based personal alarm intended for fixed locations. It is excellent for people in occupations where they meet people face-to-face daily, for example in stores, reception desks or customer service.
Internal Battery, SOS

Amigo NEO400 Personal A personal alarm that combines maximum usability and long operating life. Developed for professional users.
Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant

Amigo NEO500 Vehicle A trackable alarm transmitter for installation in vehicles. An additional GSM alarm on top of the existing vehicle alarm, alcohol lock etc.
Internal Battery, SOS

Amwell T360-101A Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Amwell T360-101E Vehicle SOS, Waterproof, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Amwell T360-101P Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Amwell T360-103 Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Amwell T360-106 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Amwell T360-108 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

Amwell T360-269 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Amwell T360-269B Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Amwell T360-269JT Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Anbtek TS100W Vehicle 3G gps tracker with temperature sensor
Internal Battery, SOS, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor, Camera

AntzerTech RIFA-B Vehicle ANTZER TECH’s Automotive-Grade RIFA vehicle tracker provides a compact, economic, easy plug and track dongle for fleet management market.
Can bus, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Aplicom A1 M2M Asset Java programmable unit for M2M applications.

Aplicom A1 Max Vehicle Vehicle communication unit

Aplicom A1 Trax Vehicle Tracking & security unit

Aplicom A11_LTE Vehicle Aplicom A11 telematics unit is a proven, reliable platform for demanding telematics and telemetry applications.
CANBUS, Can bus, iButton / 1-Wire

Aplicom A9 Vehicle Reliable and expandable with serial and CAN
Garmin FMI, CANBUS, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Aplicom A9 IPEX Vehicle This unit with IP67-level enclosure with up to 4000mAh battery is for intelligent trailer and container control
CANBUS, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof, GLONASS

Aplicom A9 NEX Vehicle The multifunctional but small in size and shape A9 NEX make it easy to install in all types of vehicles. Versatile in features with internal antennas (GPS/GLONASS & GPRS) save installation time and costs.
Garmin FMI, CANBUS, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Aplicom A9 Quick Vehicle Aplicom A9 Quick is a cigarette lighter powered telematics unit for tracking and tracing or kilometer calculation for logbook needs that is easy to plug and move from one vehicle to another.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery
APRS APRS Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is an amateur radio-based system for real time digital communications of information of immediate value in the local area.
APRS aprs_mic-e Mic-E is a method of encoding an APRS position report that was designed to make the packets very short so they could be reliably sent at the beginning or end of a voice transmission like MDC data in the commercial radio world.

ArkNav / StarsNav AT-01 Asset, Personal Internal Battery

ArkNav / StarsNav AT-04 Asset, Personal Internal Battery

ArkNav / StarsNav R-33 / PT-33 Personal Internal Battery, Waterproof

ArkNav / StarsNav R-35 / PT-35 Asset, Personal Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

ArkNav / StarsNav R-9 / Rover-9 / R-10 Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

ArkNav / StarsNav RX-8W Vehicle Waterproof GPS Vehicle Tracker

Arvento imt.11 Vehicle Small size and lightweight design, high quality and performance. Can be installed easily and seamlessly within the vehicle.
ECO / Accelerometer

Arvento imt.14 Vehicle Advanced technology, impeccable design, great performance.
CANBUS, Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Arvento imt.24 Vehicle Due to its compact design, it can be installed directly to the OBD connector.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Arvento imt.54 Asset, Vehicle IP67 Standard, Durable Design, Great Performance
ECO / Accelerometer, Waterproof

Arvento imt.x1 GNSS antenna with very high position sensitivity.

Arvento Treyki Personal Small size and lightweight design; carry it on your purse, pocket, etc.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS

Astrata GLP100 Asset Astrata’s GLP100 is a compact GPS device with embedded antennas for GSM and GPS enclosed in a weatherproof IP67 housing.
ECO / Accelerometer

Atelematics AT08 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Water-resistant

Atelematics AT09 Vehicle Two way communication
ECO / Accelerometer, Fuel Sensor, Camera, RFID

Atelematics AT10 Asset, Vehicle Lock string tamper alarm, Category: E-Lock.
Internal Battery, Waterproof, RFID

Atelematics AT510 Asset, Vehicle AT510 LTE is one-stop solution for safety,monitoring as well as vehicle tracker with all-in-one functions terminal.
Waterproof, Fuel Sensor, Camera, RFID

Atlantasys AIS140 Vehicle Certified vehicle tracking and management device
Internal Battery, GLONASS

Atlantasys L100 Vehicle Over the top vehicle tracker
SOS, iButton / 1-Wire

Atlantasys WP30C Asset, Vehicle The Strong Bone with 7 digital inputs , 3 digital outputs with serial ports.
Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire

Atlantasys Wtrack Asset, Vehicle Certified vehicle tracking and management device
Internal Battery

ATrack AK1 Vehicle Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, Camera

ATrack AK1 Vehicle AK1 is a vehicle GPS tracker with GPS and GSM/GPRS communication which is able to monitor vehicle location and remote control via GSM/GPRS network.
Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire

ATrack AK11 Vehicle Ideal for the Transportation industry and various fleet applications, and includes interfaces for OBDII, J1939, and J1708. Heavy-duty engine vehicle, construction equipment, public safety vehicles.
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, External GPS Antenna, Wifi, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

ATrack AK7 Vehicle Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, Waterproof, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, CDMA

ATrack AK7V Vehicle AK7V is able to monitor vehicle location and remotely control its I/O port to deliver accurate data, including vehicle location and status.
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

ATrack AL1 Vehicle Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, Camera

ATrack AL11 Asset, Vehicle LTE/HSPA GPS/GLONASS All Terrain Automotive Tracker
ECO / Accelerometer, Waterproof

ATrack AL7 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Waterproof

ATrack AS1 Asset AS1 is designed for monitoring mobile assets with GPS for location tracking
Internal Battery, Waterproof, GLONASS

ATrack AS3 Vehicle AS3 is designed for monitoring vehicle or trailer with GPS for location tracking.
Waterproof, GLONASS

ATrack AT1 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna

ATrack AT1Pro Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, Camera

ATrack AT3 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer

ATrack AT5 Vehicle 2G Flagship fleet tracking unit and monitoring gateway, featuring expandability and flexibility.
ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

ATrack AT5F Vehicle 2G Flagship fleet tracking unit and monitoring gateway, featuring expandability and flexibility. AT5F is the same model as AT5 with FMS/CAN support.
Garmin FMI, CANBUS, Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

ATrack AU5 Vehicle SupportsTri-band UMTS/HSDPA7.2(WCDMA/FDD)
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

ATrack AU7 Vehicle 3G/LTE* fleet tracking unit and monitoring gateway, featuring expandability and flexibility.
Garmin FMI, CANBUS, Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, CDMA, iButton / 1-Wire, Camera

ATrack AU7F Vehicle 3G/LTE* fleet tracking unit and monitoring gateway, featuring expandability and flexibility. AU7F is the same model as AU7 with FMS/CAN support.
Garmin FMI, CANBUS, Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire, Camera

ATrack AX5 Vehicle OBDII
CANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Fuel Sensor

ATrack AX7 Vehicle AX7 is a vehicle Telematics unit that easily plugs into a vehicle’s OBDII port for simple plug-and-play installation.
CANBUS, Can bus, OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Fuel Sensor

ATrack AX9 Vehicle AX9 is an optional 2G/3G GPS tracking unit with OBD-II Interface and plug-n-play installation
CANBUS, OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Fuel Sensor

ATrack AY5 Vehicle Designed for easy connectivity to the Internet when within range of a wireless network to benefit the end-customers by eliminating the airtime
Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Wifi

Baltic Car Equipment FM Light Vehicle 2. 4x digital / 3x analog inputs, 3 outputs
Internal Battery, SOS

Bofan PT30 Personal, Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

Bofan PT300X Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

Bofan PT500 Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Fuel Sensor

Bofan PT502 Vehicle SOS

Bofan PT60 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Bofan PT600 Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Fuel Sensor

CalAmp ATU-620 Asset ECO / Accelerometer

CalAmp LMU-1100 Asset, Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Water-resistant, CDMA, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp LMU-1110 Vehicle Motorcycle tracker – internal battery
Internal Battery

CalAmp LMU-1150 Vehicle Motorcycle tracker – internal battery
Internal Battery

CalAmp LMU-1175 Vehicle Economical vehicle tracker designed for recreational vehicles exposed to outdoor elements
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Water-resistant, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp LMU-1200 Vehicle Internal battery

CalAmp LMU-1210 Vehicle Cost reduced – internal battery

CalAmp LMU-1220 Vehicle A value driven, compact vehicle tracker built for concealed installation with essential I/O capability
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

CalAmp LMU-1230 Vehicle A feature rich vehicle tracker with backup battery for commercial deployment
OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, GLONASS

CalAmp LMU-200 Vehicle A cost effective, compact vehicle tracker with essential I/O capability and ease of installation
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp LMU-2000 Vehicle OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

CalAmp LMU-2030 Vehicle OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer

CalAmp LMU-2100 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp LMU-2130 Vehicle Value driven fleet tracker for fleet management with essential capabilities
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS

CalAmp LMU-2600 Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp LMU-2610 Vehicle Cost reduced

CalAmp LMU-2630 Vehicle Leading edge fleet tracker for advanced fleet management with extensive capabilities

ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

CalAmp LMU-2700 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp LMU-2720 Vehicle Leading edge fleet tracker for advanced fleet management with extensive capabilities
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

CalAmp LMU-300 Vehicle OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp LMU-3000 Vehicle ODBII – can deliver vehicle bus data in accumulators

CalAmp LMU-3030 Vehicle The versatile OBD-II telematics device with LTE Cat 1 built for the North American connected car market
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, CDMA

CalAmp LMU-3035 Vehicle The feature rich and versatile OBD-II telematics device with LTE Cat 1 built for fleet applications in North America
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer

CalAmp LMU-3040 Vehicle The feature rich and versatile OBD-II telematics device built for international fleet applications
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

CalAmp LMU-3200 Vehicle OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, CDMA

CalAmp LMU-330 Vehicle A robust vehicle tracker with a compact size, essential I/O capability, built for simple and discrete installation
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS
CalAmp LMU-3640 Vehicle Robust telematics gateway built for dynamic flexibility
ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp LMU-400 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

CalAmp LMU-4200 Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, CDMA

CalAmp LMU-4220 CalAmp’s flagship LMU-4220 product has the features, expandability, and
flexibility with the intelligence to meet all customer’s needs in fleet

Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp LMU-4233 Vehicle A full-featured telematics gateway built for optimal flexibility
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp LMU-4250 Vehicle CANBUS – uses LMDirect App Messages and User Messages to deliver vehicle
External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Wifi, CDMA

CalAmp LMU-4520 Vehicle Heavy duty telematics gateway built for enterprise location messaging
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Wifi, CDMA

CalAmp LMU-5000 Vehicle 3G Router plus LMU functionality
External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

CalAmp LMU-5530 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Wifi, GLONASS, CDMA, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp LMU-5531 Vehicle All-in-one mobile communications solution tailored for fleet telematics and vehicle applications
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Wifi, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

CalAmp LMU-5541 Vehicle All-in-one mobile communications solution tailored for fleet telematics and vehicle applications
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Wifi, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

CalAmp LMU-600 Vehicle OBDII, Internal Battery

CalAmp LMU-700 Vehicle OBDII, External GPS Antenna, CDMA
CalAmp LMU-710 Vehicle Cost reduced

CalAmp LMU-720 Vehicle A value driven, compact vehicle tracker built for concealed installation with essential I/O capability
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

CalAmp LMU-800 Vehicle Internal battery
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, CDMA

CalAmp LMU-820 Vehicle A value driven, compact vehicle tracker built for concealed installation with essential I/O capability

OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

CalAmp LMU-900 Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna
CalAmp LMU-910 Vehicle Cost reduced

CalAmp MDT-7P Vehicle A Heavy-Duty Android™ Tablet Offering Advanced Telematics Applications & Services
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Wifi

CalAmp TTU-1220 Asset Essential asset tracker with rechargeable battery built for extended use and excellent field reliability
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

CalAmp TTU-1230 Asset Value driven asset tracker built for flexibility, with extensive I/O capabilities and excellent field reliability
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant

CalAmp TTU-2830 Asset Versatile asset tracker built for flexibility, with extensive I/O capabilities and excellent field performance
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant, GLONASS

CalAmp TTU-2840XTreme Asset Extended durability asset tracker built for extreme weather climates and excellent field reliability
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, Water-resistant, Wifi, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

CalAmp TTU-3640 Vehicle Weatherproof telematics gateway built for rugged environments
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant, GLONASS

CalAmp TTU-720 Asset Compact battery operated asset tracker made for rapid deployment and extended use across many industries
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant

CalAmp TTU-730 Asset An LTE enabled compact battery operated asset tracker built for extended use and reliable in-field installation
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant
CanTrack Cantrack GPS Vehicle The CanTrack GPS simply plugs into any vehicle with an OBD port
Internal Battery, Water-resistant, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

Cellocator 370-50 Vehicle Vehicle Event Logger and Tracking

Cellocator Cello-CANiQ Vehicle Intelligent Fleet Management, Driver Behavior & Diagnostics Solution Intelligence
CANBUS, Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Cellocator Cello-F Vehicle Garmin FMI

Cellocator Cello-IQ Vehicle Advanced Fleet Management Solution with Driver Behavior Monitoring
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Cellocator Cello-R Vehicle Stolen Vehicle Recovery
Garmin FMI, SOS

Cellocator CelloTrack Asset Advanced Asset Tracking and Remote Monitoring Solution
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant, GLONASS

Cellocator CelloTrack 8M Asset The CelloTrack 8M family is the entry level product line, which offers cost effective solutions that support up to eight months of continuous monitoring
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant
Cellocator CelloTrack Nano Vehicle The CelloTrack Nano device provides precisely the knowledge you need to manage your cargo and mobile assets effectively.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Cellocator Compact CAN Vehicle Built-in CAN bus interface.
Garmin FMI, Fuel Sensor

Cellocator Compact Fleet Vehicle Garmin FMI, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire

Cellocator Compact Security Vehicle integrated car alarm and fleet management unit
Garmin FMI, SOS

Cellocator CR-300 Vehicle Cost-Effective Fleet and Security Management Solution
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire

cGuard Atom This new tracker has internal antennas, which significantly reduce time/costs for installation of the device.
CANBUS, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Coban GPS303 Vehicle GPS303 series offers real time tracking with many other options

Coban TK-103 Vehicle TK-103 / GPS/103 series, offers Real time tracking by SMS and Web platform, door alarm, ACC alarm, shock sensor

Coban TK-104 Asset The TK-104 / GPS 104 is a powerful magnet and large capacity battery, long battery life
Internal Battery, SOS

Concox AT3 Vehicle AT3 3G Ultra-long standby Asset GPS Tracker
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Concox AT4 Asset, Vehicle AT4 10000mAh Asset GPS Tracker
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Concox CRX 1 Vehicle The CRX1 is compact vehicle tracker that gives you the location of any vehicle at any time.
Internal Battery, SOS, Wifi

Concox GK301 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Concox GK309 Personal It is a combination of low cost cell phones and wireless GPS tracking devices to students.
Internal Battery, SOS

Concox GS503 Personal Concox GPS Senior Phone is designed for senior citizens with a list of special functions.
Internal Battery, SOS

Concox GT02 Personal Internal Battery

Concox GT02D Vehicle

Concox GT03 Vehicle Magnetic GPS tracker is extremely easy and flexible to install using strong magnetic design.

Concox GT06 Vehicle GT06 popular GPS Tracking Device
Internal Battery, SOS

Concox GT100 Vehicle Specially made for motorcycles.
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Concox GT230 Vehicle OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer

Concox GT300 Personal Concox GPS Personal Tracker GT300
Internal Battery, SOS

Concox GT350 Personal GT350 Personal GPS Tracker with Long Stand-by Time
Internal Battery, SOS

Concox GT710 Asset GT710 is a compact, portable and waterproof (IP67) GPS device with 3 years standby time.
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Concox GT800 Vehicle GT800 Vehicle GPS Tracker is a high-end multifunctional vehicle GPS tracker with solid performance for reasonable price.
Internal Battery, SOS

Concox JM01 Vehicle JM01 Vehicle GPS Tracker is a powerful and easy-to-use GPS tracker specially designed for motorcycle, electromobile and common vehicles.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant

Concox MT200 Vehicle Motorcycle GPS waterproof

Concox Qbit Personal Mini Personal GPS Tracker
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Concox WeTrack2 Vehicle WeTrack2 General GPS Vehicle Tracker
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Concox X1 Vehicle Multi-functional Vehicle GPS Tracker
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

Cradlepoint IBR900 Vehicle Compact, ruggedized Gigabit-Class LTE router for advanced in-vehicle and IoT connectivity
Water-resistant, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, Wifi, GLONASS, CDMA

Cybergraphy GlobalTrack G200X Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Fuel Sensor

Cypress Chameleon CTM-15X Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Cypress Chameleon CTM-200 Vehicle Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer

Cypress CTM-200 R2 Vehicle Industrial LTE Cellular modem/gateway for fixed and mobile applications
CANBUS, Can bus, OBDII, Internal Battery, Wifi, iButton / 1-Wire, Camera, RFID

Cypress CTMONE Asset, Vehicle Next generation CTM product for fixed site and mobile applications for providing data connectivity using Cellular technology.
CANBUS, Waterproof, Wifi, GLONASS

Datcom H-Box Vehicle The DATCOM H-System is a P-controlled assembly system with which all possible intermediate stages can be realized from the simple PLC control with data logger and alarm system to the communication system with switched on navigation device and destination transfer.

Digital Systems TytanSAT Vehicle GSM/GPRS device designed for tracking vehicles and cargo or supervising technical objects in real time.
CANBUS, Can bus

DigitalComTech Antares SB Vehicle

DigitalComTech Antares Syrus Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna

DigitalComTech e-track Personal Internal Battery

DMTelematics G52 Solar The G52 Solar’s rugged housing and built in solar panel allows the device to monitor and track assets in harsh and remote environments, without the need for an external power source.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant, GLONASS

Eelink GOT08 Vehicle Plug & Play G-sensor, OBD TRACKER
Internal Battery

Eelink GOT10 Vehicle OBD

Eelink GPT06 Personal 3G TRACKER GPT06-3G SOS Waterproof Flashlight
OBD, Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Eelink GPT09 Asset GPS TRACKER GPT09 standby 3 years/waterproof
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Eelink GPT12 Asset, Personal Internal Battery

Eelink GPT18 Personal GPS Watch Tracker GPT18 SOS/Call/Listen/Waterproof
SOS, Waterproof, GLONASS

Eelink GPT19-H Asset, Vehicle GPT19-H is 3G magnetic GPS Tracker for assets manufactured by Eelink, which is mainly used in vehicles, fleet, asset tracking.
Internal Battery, Water-resistant

Eelink GPT26 Asset, Personal GPS TRACKER GPT26 standby 1 Month/Rechargable
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Eelink K20 Personal Tracking mobile phone, Elder care gps phone GPS Tracker& mobile phone
Internal Battery, SOS

Eelink K30 Personal Smart Mini K30 GPS WIFI LBS Tracker for the older, kids, pets, chirdren
SOS, Waterproof

Eelink K6 Personal GPS Watch Tracker K6 Position/SOS/Call/Listen

Eelink K9+ Personal GPS Watch Tracer K9+ Position/SOS/Call/Listen
Internal Battery, SOS

Eelink TK115 Vehicle

Eelink TK116 Vehicle Internal Battery

Eelink TK119 Vehicle TK119 waterproof gps tracker for your vehicle with Super Wide Input Voltage:9-72V DC
Internal Battery, Waterproof, GLONASS

Eelink TK121 Vehicle Internal Battery

Eelink TK319 TK319-H is 3G WCDMA Vehicle GPS Tracker manufactured by Eelink,which is mainly used in business vehicles or commercial vehicle tracking.
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof, CDMA

Eelink TK419 Vehicle Compact 4G LTE GPS Tracker for real-time vehicle tracking
ECO / Accelerometer
Ehipotech HW-18 Vehicle

Enfora GSM2208 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Enfora GSM2218 Vehicle SOS

Enfora GSM2338 Vehicle Also known as SkyPatrol TT8750
Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Enfora Mini MT Personal Internal Battery

Equiptank Precintank GSM/GPS module Vehicle Loading and unloading monitoring system
Internal Battery

Erco & Gener GenLoc 31e Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Erco & Gener GenLoc 53e Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

Erco & Gener GenTrack 35e Asset Entirely dedicated to goods security and tracking containers, trailers.
Internal Battery, Waterproof

ERM StarLink Asset Asset ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

ERM StarLink eBike / Road-Buddy Vehicle Designed especially for the motorcycle rugged environment,
Internal Battery, Waterproof

ERM StarLink eConnect Vehicle

ERM StarLink ID Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Water-resistant, iButton / 1-Wire

ERM Starlink SVR Vehicle iButton / 1-Wire

ERM StarLink ToGo Vehicle iButton / 1-Wire

ERM StarLink Tracker Vehicle StarLink Tracker is designed for application in high end tracking and telematics
CANBUS, Can bus, OBD, OBDII, Internal Battery, SOS, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

ERM StarLink Voice Vehicle Internal Battery

ExtremTrac ET700C Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

ExtremTrac ET800C Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, CDMA, Fuel Sensor

ExtremTrac ET9000 Personal Waterproof
ExtremTrac GP9000 Personal
ExtremTrac MC300 Personal

ExtremTrac mini ET700 Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

ExtremTrac WT10 Personal Internal Battery, Waterproof

Falcom BOLERO-LT2 Vehicle Internal Battery

Falcom DISCO-B4 Vehicle

Falcom FOX-EN Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery

Falcom FOX-IN Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery

Falcom FOX3 Vehicle GPS+Galileo/GLONASS
CANBUS, OBDII, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Falcom FOX3-3G Vehicle FOX3-3G is a compact, all-in-one device combining 2G/UMTS/HSPA high-speed data communication with the latest GNSS technology.
CANBUS, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS

Falcom MAMBO2-UXFS Personal Personal tracker & mobile phone
Internal Battery, SOS

Falcom Rock Asset Up to 3 years operation without replacing the battery pack depending on power save mode.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof

Falcom STEPPIII-UX Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Fastrax uTrace03 Asset, Vehicle Internal Battery

fifotrack A100 Vehicle Suitable for fleet management, public transportation management, school bus management, Taxi operation management, vehicle insurance company management, rent car management and private car antitheft, etc.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS

fifotrack A200 Vehicle Basic model which is suitable for fleet management, public transportation management, school bus management, taxi operation management, vehicle insurance company management, rent car management and private car antitheft, etc.

fifotrack A300 Vehicle Suitable for fleet management, public transportation management, school bus management, taxi operation management, vehicle insurance company management, rent car management and private car antitheft, etc.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS

Fifotrack A500 Vehicle A500 is an advanced 3G model which is suitable for fleet management, public transportation management, school bus management, taxi operation management, vehicle insurance company management, rent car management and private car antitheft, etc.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor, Camera, RFID

Fifotrack A600 Vehicle A600 is an advanced model which is suitable for fleet management, public transportation management, school bus management, taxi operation management, vehicle insurance company management, rent car management and private car antitheft, etc
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor, Camera, RFID

Fifotrack A700 Vehicle A700 is an advanced model which is suitable for fleet management, public transportation management, school bus management, taxi operation management, vehicle insurance company management, rent car management and private car antitheft, etc.
iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor, Camera, RFID

fifotrack Q1 Personal Personal tracker Q is suitable for kids, elders and pets tracking.
Internal Battery, SOS

Fifotrack S20 Asset, Vehicle S20 is a light model which is suitable for motorcycle, vehicle, boat, asset tracking, etc
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof

Fifotrack S30 Asset, Vehicle S30 is a model which is suitable for vehicle, motorcycle, boat, asset tracking, etc.
Internal Battery, Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

FlexTrack Lommy Personal Personal Internal Battery, SOS

FlexTrack Lommy Pro Asset

FlexTrack Lommy Pro II Asset Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire

Geboa Geboa AlarmTouch Watch Personal Internal Battery, SOS

GenX GNX-20 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

GenX GNX-5P Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, CDMA, iButton / 1-Wire

GlobalAVL BOX-Tracker Vehicle Box Telematics BOX-tracker is a Vehicle and Fleet Management tracking device aimed specifically at third party system integrators.
Internal Battery

GlobalAVL Numerex SX1 Asset Numerex SX1 represents a breakthrough in Satellite based GPS tracker and asset tracking technology.

GlobalSat GTR-128 Vehicle Compact, robust and waterproof design for motorcycle, electric scooter, golf cart and vehicle.
SOS, Waterproof

GlobalSat GTR-129 Vehicle Compact, robust and waterproof design for motorcycle, electric scooter, golf cart and vehicle.
SOS, Waterproof

GlobalSat TR-102 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

GlobalSat TR-151 Asset, Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof, External GPS Antenna

GlobalSat TR-203 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

GlobalSat TR-313 Personal ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, CDMA

GlobalSat TR-600 Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna
Globalstar AxTracker Asset, Vehicle Tracker for remote areas where there are no mobile networks

Globalstar AXTracker MMT Asset, Satellite, Vehicle Tracker for remote areas where there are no mobile networks
Internal Battery, Satellite
Globalstar ELOC Vehicle Satellite

Globalstar SmartONE Asset, Satellite Asset tracker with long battery life for the Globalstar satellite network
Internal Battery, Satellite

Globalstar SPOT Trace Asset, Personal, Vehicle The SPOT Trace offers advanced theft-alert tracking.
Internal Battery, Waterproof, Satellite

GoPass AVL-901(C) Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

GoPass AVL-901(D) Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

GoPass GPS-911(M) Personal Mobile Personal Tracking Kit

GoPass GPS-911(R) Personal Real-Time Personal Tracking Kit

Gosafe G1C Vehicle The G1C is an economical, full-featured vehicle tracking device designed for covert and reliable installation in automobiles.

Gosafe G1S Asset Portable GPS Tracker
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

GoSafe G3A Asset, Vehicle Smallest Fleet & Motorcycle Tracker
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Gosafe G3S Asset, Vehicle Low Cost GPS Tracker
Internal Battery

Gosafe G606 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Gosafe G616 / G626 Asset Internal Battery, Waterproof

GoSafe G6S Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

GoSafe G71 Vehicle Waterproof

Gosafe G717 Vehicle Cigar Lighter GPS Tracker
Internal Battery

Gosafe G737 Personal G737 is specially designed for the tracking and management of parolees, probationers, distant workers, distributors and/or family members. Device can be tied to shank by a safe and comfortable fiber optical wearing belt. G737 supports up to eight GPS fences which allows you to set the monitoring areas freely even in hierarchy.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof, RFID

GoSafe G78 Vehicle Rugged waterproof Motorcycle GPS Tracker
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Gosafe G808 Asset Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna

GoSafe G828 Asset Internal Battery, Waterproof

Gosafe G91 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

GoSafe G91I (GOS-9601I) Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Fuel Sensor

GoSafe G91S (GOS-9601S) Vehicle Internal Battery

GoSafe G92 Vehicle Internal Battery, GLONASS

GoSafe G959 Vehicle

Gosafe Sniper G797 Vehicle Connects to OBDII, can read DTC codes
Fuel Sensor

GoTop TL-201 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

GoTop TV680 Personal Carried as a watch / clock.
Internal Battery, SOS

GoTop VT108 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

GPS Services AutoTrack XL Gyro Vehicle Autotrack XL Gyro is a high quality and effective product, which allows you to control and monitor you fleet in real time.
CANBUS, Can bus, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

GpsGate GpsGate Spiltter for Windows Software Tracking software for Windows laptops

GpsGate GpsGate Tracker for Android Personal, Vehicle, Software Android client
Internal Battery, Wifi

GpsGate GpsGate Tracker for iOS Personal, Vehicle, Software iOS client
Internal Battery
GpsGate SmartPipe Personal, Vehicle Generic smart protocol driver.
GpsGate TAIP Generic driver for devices that support TAIP

GTE TRAX S4 Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

GTE TRAX S6 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

GTE TRAXS15 Vehicle GTE Trax S15 GPS Vehicle Tracker with Can Bus direct reports Can 2.0 and J1939 standards.
CANBUS, Can bus, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna
Haicom HI-602X Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Holux Tracker 005 Personal Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Holux Tracker 007 Personal Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Hometecs H20-WA2T-W Vehicle HSPA+ Router with WiFi and 2xEthernet H20series

IMAP – TELEMATICS iBeacon Vehicle CANBUS for trucks and private vehicles. Garmin PND support.
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

InspireTech Vista Trax TS15 Dual SIM support
ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

Intricode Solutions Beegle X-1 Microtracker The Beegle X-1 MicroTracker is a self-contained battery powered Iridium satellite-connected tracking device primarily for General Aviation use but also for any outdoor applications that demand connectivity where no GSM signal is available.
Internal Battery, SOS, Satellite

iStartek VT100 Asset, Vehicle Magnet GPS Tracker
Internal Battery, Water-resistant

iStartek VT202 Vehicle Mini GPS Tracking Device
Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant

iStartek VT206 Vehicle GPS Tracker For Motorcycle
Internal Battery, Water-resistant

iStartek VT600 Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

iStartek VT900 Vehicle Internal Battery, Water-resistant

iTrac AL900 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

iTrac Gold Vehicle
iTriangle On Board Diagnostics-OBD II A GPS-GSM based Tracking and Monitoring System with OBD-II( Onboard Vehicle Diagnostics standards
CANBUS, Can bus, OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS

iTriangle TS101 Advanced TS101 Advanced is a compact GSM and GPS terminal which can be used in basic/advanced tracking
ECO / Accelerometer, SOS, Water-resistant, Fuel Sensor, RFID

iTriangle TS101 basic Tamper proof switch and FOTA (Firmware upgrade Over The Air)
ECO / Accelerometer, SOS

iTriangle UX101 Tracking device with CAN & K-line, 10 IOs, 2 RS232 or 1 CAN & 1RS232 with ECU type Connector
CANBUS, Can bus, Water-resistant, GLONASS

JIMI JM01 Vehicle Internal Battery, Waterproof

JIMI JM08 Vehicle GPS tracker specially designed for electromibile tracking
Internal Battery

JIMI JV100 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer

JIMI JV200 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Jointech GP5000 Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Jointech JT600 Personal Internal Battery, Waterproof

Key7 EPS2 Asset Asset tracker with years of battery life time. Handles ruff weather conditions.
Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Kingneed T10 Personal Looks and works as a regular torch.
Internal Battery

Kingneed T12 Asset, Vehicle Internal Battery, Waterproof

Kingneed T220 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Kingneed T4400 Vehicle Internal Battery, Waterproof

Kingneed T8800 Vehicle Internal Battery, Waterproof

Kingwo MT-X1-2G Asset An padlock keyless tracker for assets
Internal Battery, Water-resistant

Kingwo MT02S Vehicle MT02s is a 2G mini GPS tracker with tracking and power or fuel cut off function, it is compact and light weight, it is especially designed for motorcycles, scooters and vehicles, this unit support wide voltage from 9-100V, which means it will work with electric vehicles as well.

Kingwo MT03-2G Personal, Vehicle MT03 is a 2G rechargeable long standby GPS tracker for assets monitoring, this tracker is with 5600mAh built in battery which would be able to work alone for long time.
Internal Battery

Kingwo MT06-2G Personal, Vehicle Long Standby time, easy to install Quick wake up, convenient to hide Strong Magnetic, removal alarm Built in 5400mAh battery,
Internal Battery

Kingwo MT09-2G Asset, Vehicle MT09 is a 2G long standby GPS tracker,it is small in size which is suitable to the package and small assets tracking
Internal Battery, Wifi

Kingwo MT12-2G MT12 is a tracker which is designed for container tracking
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Kingwo mt35 Asset, Personal, Vehicle MT35 is a 2G rechargeable long standby GPS tracker for assets monitoring, magnetic,simple attach to asset,SOS button,IP67 waterproof, humidity and temperature sensor, G-sensor,motion detection, OTAthis tracker is with 5200mAh built in battery which would be able to work alone for long time.
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Laipac S-911 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Laipac S911 Bracelet Locator Personal ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Laipac StarFinder AVL Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Laipac Starfinder Lite Vehicle Compact real-time tracking device based on GPS/GSM/GPRS
Internal Battery

Lantrix T1000 Vehicle

Lantrix T2000 Vehicle

Level, s.r.o. GC 007 Personal Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Level, s.r.o. GC 075 Vehicle CANBUS, ECO / Accelerometer

Level, s.r.o. GC 076 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, SOS

Lovacom AM120 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire

Maxtrack IDP-780 Satellite, Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Wifi, Satellite

Megastek GMT-368 Vehicle GPS Motorcycle Tracker
SOS, Waterproof

Megastek GMT368S Vehicle GMT-368S is a GPS/GPRS based tracking device specially designed for motorcycle.
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Megastek GPT-69 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Megastek GT-89 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Megastek GT-99 Personal Tracker has a low-power-consumption mode in which the tracker can work about 7 months.
Internal Battery, SOS

Megastek GVT-369 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, Fuel Sensor

Megastek GVT-390 Vehicle SOS, Waterproof

Megastek GVT-500 Vehicle GLONASS+GPS Tracker

Megastek GVT-800 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, Camera

Megastek MT-100 Personal waterproof tracker for harsh environment.
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Megastek MT-60X Personal Internal Battery, Waterproof

Megastek MT-60X Personal Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Megastek MT-70 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Megastek MT-90 Personal MINI GPS Tracker
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Megastek MT60 Personal Tracker has the advantages of waterproof IP67, low power consumption, small size, easy to use and 10-12 days standby without charging. It is a GPS/GPRS personal location tracker. It specially applies for elderly and kid tracking, personnel management, asset tracking, vehicle location, etc.
Internal Battery, SOS

Megastek XT-007 Personal Waterproof, External GPS Antenna

Meitrack GT30 Personal A portable and personal tracker device from Meitrack

Meitrack GT30X Personal A portable and personal tracker device from Meitrack

Meitrack GT60 Personal Portable GPS Tracking Device Supports Two-way Audio, SOS Panic Button, Geo-fencing
Internal Battery, SOS

Meitrack K211G Asset The K211G is a GPS smart lock that supports Long Range (LoRa) and GPRS communication.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant, RFID

Meitrack MT80 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Meitrack MT88 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Meitrack MT90 Personal Portable GLONASS/GPS combined tracking device for children, the elderly, lone worker, and cars.
Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant

Meitrack MT90G Personal The world’s smallest full band 3G personal GPS tracking device for children, the elderly, and lone workers.
Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant, GLONASS

Meitrack MVT100 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant

Meitrack MVT340 Vehicle The MVT340, a vehicle tracking device, is specially designed for private cars to implement real-time monitoring and provide protection
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Meitrack MVT380 Vehicle The MVT380, an anti-theft vehicle tracker, is specially designed for high-end vehicles to implement real-time monitoring and
provide protection with GPS/GSM/GPRS functions and high stability. The device applies for vehicle tracking and fleet

Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Meitrack MVT600 Vehicle The MVT600 is a high-end GPS vehicle tracker supporting GPS, GSM, and GPRS functions. It can connect to a variety of
peripherals, such as the camera, handset, LCD display, LED display, and RFID reader.

Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Fuel Sensor, Camera, RFID

Meitrack MVT800 Vehicle The MVT800 is a brand new GPS tracker specially designed for private and commercial vehicles. The tracker can be used as an
anti-theft device.

Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant, Fuel Sensor

Meitrack P99G Personal Personal GPS tracker. Water resistant for outdoor use.
Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant

Meitrack T1 Vehicle The T1 GPS vehicle tracker is quite a unique model simply because it can be used for both fleet and personal vehicle tracking. The T1 GPS tracker packs a lot of features which include, real time tracking, GPS logging, two way audio, listen-in, an S.O.S. button and not to mention the stop engine command.
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire, Camera, RFID

Meitrack T3 Vehicle T3 is a GLONASS/GPS combined vehicle tracker, especially for Russia market.
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, Fuel Sensor, Camera

Meitrack T311 Vehicle Anti-theft device designed for motorcycles and electric vehicles.
Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna

Meitrack T322 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GPS Antenna

Meitrack T333 Vehicle 3G vehicle GPS tracker
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, CDMA, Camera

Meitrack T355 Asset Magnetic GPS tracker with over 4 years standby life.
Internal Battery, Water-resistant

Meitrack T355G Asset 3G (WCDMA) magnetic GPS tracker, Standby time: > 4 years
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

Meitrack T366 Vehicle GPS tracker with IP67 water-resistance rating. Can be installed into cars, motorcycles, yachts, and boats.
ECO / Accelerometer, Water-resistant, iButton / 1-Wire

Meitrack T366G Vehicle Vehicle GPS tracker with IP67 water-resistance rating. GPS and GSM antennas. Extreme environments.
ECO / Accelerometer, Water-resistant, iButton / 1-Wire

Meitrack T622 Vehicle Three versions: GSM, WCDMA (Iridium optional) and LTE Cat M1/Cat NB1 networks.
CANBUS, Can bus, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor, Camera

Meitrack T633L Vehicle 4G Truck GPS Tracker
Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire

Meitrack TC68 Vehicle OBDII
CANBUS, OBD, Fuel Sensor

Meitrack TC68L Vehicle 4G Plug & Play vehicle GPS Tracker
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Meitrack TC68SG Vehicle 3G Plug & Play Vehicle GPS Tracker
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS

Meitrack TC68SL Vehicle 4G Plug & Play Wireless GPS Tracker
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS

Meitrack TS299L Vehicle 4G WiFi Cigarette Lighter GPS Tracker
ECO / Accelerometer, SOS

Meitrack VT300 Vehicle Meitrack VT-300 is a rugged, full size GPS tracking device built with vehicle tracking in mind. External GPS and GMS antennas ensure quality of signal no matter where the device is mounted within a vehicle.
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Meitrack VT310 Vehicle VT310 is a low cost GPS vehicle tracking device. The same device is sold under many brands.
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Meitrack VT400 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Micron 911 Responder (Verizon) Personal The 911 Responder (Verizon) is perfect for ensuring the safety of your seniors, lone worker, and children. It features an IPX6 rated enclosure, and two-way voice.
Internal Battery, Waterproof, Wifi, CDMA

Micron AT Plus Bolt (3G) Asset, Vehicle The AT Plus Bolt (3G/AT&T) is designed for reliable and multi-year deployments. It is an ideal solution for tracking automotive and trailers, and managing assets
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, Wifi

Micron AT Plus CATM Asset, Personal, Satellite, Vehicle The AT Plus CATM is designed as an ideal solution for lone worker, vehicle, pet and asset tracking applications.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, GLONASS

Micron ATC Bolt (Sprint) Asset, Vehicle The ATC Bolt (Sprint) is designed for reliable and multi-year deployments. It is an ideal solution for tracking automotive and trailers, and managing assets.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, CDMA

Micron ATC Bolt (Verizon) Asset, Vehicle The ATC Bolt (Verizon) is designed for reliable and multi-year deployments. It is an ideal solution for tracking automotive and trailers, and managing assets.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, Wifi

Micron Model S Asset, Vehicle The Model S is designed for reliable multi-year deployments and the capability to connect to an external battery for long-term deployment. It is an ideal solution for tracking vehicles, motorcycles and managing assets.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof

Micron Model V Asset, Vehicle The Model V is designed for reliable and multi-year deployments. It is an ideal solution for tracking automotive and trailers, and managing assets.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, Wifi

Micron Prime AT Plus (2G) Asset, Vehicle The Prime AT Plus (2G) features superior GPS performance, 3-axis accelerometer, a lithium ion battery, and optional built in light sensors for 2G cellular networks.
Internal Battery, Waterproof, CDMA

Micron Prime AT Plus (3G) Asset, Vehicle The Prime AT Plus (3G) features superior assisted GPS performance, Wi-Fi tracking, 3-axis accelerometer, a large lithium ion battery, and built in sensors (light and temperature) for 3G cellular networks.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, Wifi

Micron Prime AT World Tracker Asset, Personal, Vehicle Designed as an ideal solution for lone worker, vehicle, pet and asset tracking applications
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS

Micron Prime ATC (Sprint) Asset, Vehicle Reliably accurate and easy to deploy, the Prime ATC features an extra large internal antenna, a superior GPS, up to a 1300mAh battery, ultra-low power sleep mode, and automatic over-the-air configuration.
Internal Battery, Waterproof, CDMA

Micron Prime ATC (Verizon) Asset, Vehicle Reliably accurate and easy to deploy, the Prime ATC features an extra large internal antenna, a superior GPS, a 2000mAh battery, ultra-low power sleep mode, and automatic over-the-air configuration.
Internal Battery, Waterproof, CDMA

Micron Prime Bolt Mini Asset, Vehicle The Prime Bolt Mini is a non-rechargeable asset tracker designed for reliable multi-year deployments. It can be configured to track on demand or in real time, making this device an ideal solution for tracking automotive, trailers, and managing assets.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, Wifi, GLONASS

Micron Prime One (3G) Personal The Prime One (3G) is perfect for ensuring the safety of your seniors, lone worker, and children. It features two-way voice, an IPX6 rated enclosure, and simultaneously utilizes Wi-Fi and GPS to locate both indoors and outdoors.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, Wifi

Mobile Devices C4 Lite Vehicle Compact, versatile and easy install vehicle and driver management solution
CANBUS, Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire

Mobile Devices C4 Max Vehicle The ultimate telematics gateway
CANBUS, Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

Mobile Devices Munic.Box Vehicle C4 OBD2 Dongle – Munic.Box, The first entirely programmable OBD2 solution
OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Moog Crossbow ILC2000 Vehicle Internal Battery

MoralWin GT02 Vehicle

MoralWin GT06 Vehicle SOS

MoralWin P007 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

MoralWin TK102 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

MoralWin TK103 Vehicle

MoralWin TK103B Vehicle

MoralWin TK104 Vehicle SOS

MoralWin TK106 Vehicle

MoralWin TK201 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

MoralWin TL201 Personal SOS

MoralWin V680 Personal GPS Tracker watch

MoralWin VT310 Vehicle

MyTracker MYT-S5 Satellite, Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, Satellite

NAL Research Corporation 9602-GSM Vehicle Satellite

NavIP Router Vehicle


NaviZOT F3 Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

NaviZOT F5 Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

Noran NR002 Personal SOS

Noran NR006 Vehicle Mini GPS tracker

Noran NR008 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

Noran NR016 Vehicle Anti-theft GPS Tracker
Internal Battery, SOS

Noran NR024 Vehicle Car GPS Camera Tracker
Internal Battery, SOS

Noran NR028 Vehicle GPS Navigation Tracker
Internal Battery, SOS

Noran NR032 Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

NyiTech NT-183G Vehicle NT-183G is an OBD GPS dongle which provide positioning, tracking , car status checking and driving behavior analyzing function. With its plug and play design, the dongle can easily connect with OBD port to acquire real time data , such as car position, car status, car DTC, driving behavior data. And all these information will be upload via GSM/GPRS to server for further analysis, statistics , storage and more extensive application
OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, SOS, GLONASS, Satellite

NyiTech NT-183W (3G) Vehicle NT-183W (3G) is an vehicle-mounted dongle which provide real time positioning and tracking function, vehicle status checking function and driving behavior analysis function. With plug and play design, it can easily connect with vehicle OBD port, getting real time data and transmit data via WCDMA/GSM to fixed backend server for terminal application.
OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, SOS, GLONASS

OmaticsGPS OMU06G Vehicle Low cost, with battery
Internal Battery

OmaticsGPS OMU07G Vehicle Economical

OmaticsGPS OMU08G Vehicle Economical, battery
Internal Battery

OmaticsGPS OMU26G Vehicle Advanced, 1-wire, I/O
External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

OmaticsGPS OMU27G Vehicle Advanced, 1-wire, I/O, battery
Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

OmaticsGPS OMU42G Vehicle Cutting-Edge, 1-wire, I/O, battery, external antenna
Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

OmaticsGPS OTU12G Vehicle Trailer Tracking, flexibility of non-wired and wired connection, large 3.8Ah rechargeable battery, IP66 waterproof.
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Oner CT04-X Vehicle

Orion EasyTrac Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Orion OBDTrac Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

Orion SpeedTrac Vehicle Internal Battery, Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire

Oskando CarKeeper Vehicle

PlugSec TK-100 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna
Portman Portman Personal, Vehicle

Pretrace TC55 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Pretrace TC56 Vehicle TC56 is a multifunctional GPS tracker for fleet management and M2M applications.
Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Fuel Sensor, Camera, RFID

Pretrace TC80 Asset TC80, is optimized for assets tracking. It will operate autonomously for more than 300 days under optimal configuration, which is an ideal self-contained device for long term tracking deployments.
Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant

Pretrace TC85 Asset TC85, is designed for assets tracking, especially for container tracking. Four built-in batteries with 8800Mah, with super low power consumption, it will operate autonomously for more than 1000 days.
Internal Battery, Water-resistant

Queclink GB100 Vehicle Battery Mounted Insurance Telematics Device
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Queclink GL100 Personal Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Queclink GL200 Asset, Personal Designed for vehicle, pet and asset tracking with long battery life
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Queclink GL300 Asset, Personal The water resistant GL300 is an asset tracker designed for lone worker, vehicle, pet and asset tracking applications.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof, Water-resistant

Queclink GL3000W Asset WCDMA/GSM Advanced Asset Tracker
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant

Queclink GL300A Asset Ultra-long Standby Time Tracking Device
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof

Queclink GL300M Asset The GL300 series (LTE) includes three GNSS asset trackers that are designed for lone worker, vehicle, pet and asset tracking applications.
ECO / Accelerometer, SOS, Water-resistant

Queclink GL300VC Asset, Personal The GL300VC Series are a series of powerful water resistant GPS locators designed for lone worker, vehicle, pet and asset tracking applications.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant, CDMA

Queclink GL300W Asset, Personal The GL300W is a GPS trackers that are designed for lone worker safety and asset monitoring applications.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, Water-resistant

Queclink GL500 Asset GPS tracker designed for fixed asset tracking. Built in temperature sensor.
Internal Battery

Queclink GL500MA GL500 series (LTE) includes two waterproof GNSS trackers that feature an up to 5 years standby time powered by internal batteries.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, GLONASS

Queclink GL505 Asset The GL505 is a waterproof GNSS tracker that is designed for fixed asset tracking applications.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof

Queclink GL50B Vehicle GL50B is a mini GPS tracker that is designed for a series of applications including stolen vehicle recovery and automobile finance, etc., allowing both GPS and base station positioning.
Internal Battery

Queclink GL520 Asset Long Standby Time Mini Tracking Device
Internal Battery

Queclink GL530 Asset Long Standby Time Mini Tracking Device
Internal Battery

Queclink GMT100 Asset, Vehicle Powerful tracking device for motorcycles or vehicles
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof

Queclink GMT200 Vehicle The GMT200 is a compact water resistant GPS tracker designed for applications requiring low current drain such as motorcycles and boats.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant

Queclink GS100 Vehicle Self-install Insurance Telematics Device
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Queclink GT200 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Queclink GT300 Personal GPS phone for personal tracking
Internal Battery, SOS

Queclink GT301 Personal Lone Worker and Senior Care GPS Safety Phone
ECO / Accelerometer

Queclink GT500 Personal Powerful GSM/GPS/Wifi Tracker
Internal Battery, SOS, Wifi

Queclink GV200 Vehicle Flexible Vehicle Tracker
Garmin FMI, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Queclink GV200G Vehicle The GV200G is a powerful GPS/GLONASS locator designed for vehicle tracking applications. With superior receiving sensitivity
Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS

Queclink GV300 Vehicle The GV300 series includes two models designed for light duty vehicle applications.
Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna, Camera

Queclink GV300CAN Vehicle Advanced Vehicle Tracking Device
Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor, RFID

Queclink GV300VC Vehicle CDMA2000 1xRTT Vehicle Tracking Device
ECO / Accelerometer

Queclink GV300W Vehicle The GV300 series includes two models designed for light duty vehicle applications. The series features multiple interfaces including one RS232 serial port, one smart input, a two-way audio interface, etc. to support a wide variety of external accessories
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna, Camera

Queclink GV350 Vehicle LTE CAT-M1 (eMTC) Fleet Tracking Devices
Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Queclink GV50 series Vehicle Compact Integrated Vehicle Trackers
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS

Queclink GV500 Vehicle The GV500 is a compact OBD device that plugs into a vehicle’s OBDII port allowing easy installation for customers.
CANBUS, OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Queclink GV500VC Vehicle The GV500MA is a compact dongle device that plugs into a vehicle’s OBDII port allowing easy installation for customers. The device supports LTE Cat M1/NB1 network on multiple bands for operation in North America.
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Queclink GV500W Vehicle The GV500W is a compact OBD device that plugs into a vehicle’s OBDII port allowing easy installation for customers.
CANBUS, OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, CDMA

Queclink GV55 Vehicle Mini Vehicle Tracking Device. Internal 3-axis accelerometer
Internal Battery

Queclink GV55 Lite Vehicle Micro Vehicle Tracking Device. Cost effective solution for basic tracking

Queclink GV55VC Vehicle CDMA2000 1xRTT Micro Vehicle Tracking Device
Internal Battery

Queclink GV56 Vehicle The Queclink GV56 is a cost-effective GNSS tracker designed for a wide range of basic tracking applications.
ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire

Queclink GV56RS Vehicle The Queclink GV56RS is a mini cost-effective GPS tracker designed for a wide variety of vehicle tracking applications.
iButton / 1-Wire

Queclink GV600 The GV600 series includes three models of ruggedized waterproof GNSS trackers specially designed for trailer, tanker, reefer and flatbed truck tracking.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Queclink GV600W Vehicle Rechargeable Trailer Tracking Unit
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire

Queclink GV608 Vehicle The GV600 series includes three models of ruggedized waterproof GNSS trackers specially designed for trailer, tanker, reefer and flatbed truck tracking.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire

Queclink GV65 Vehicle The GV65 series includes two compact GNSS trackers designed for a wide variety of vehicle tracking applications.
ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Queclink GV65 Plus Vehicle The GV65 Plus is a mini GNSS tracker designed for a wide variety of vehicle tracking applications.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Queclink GV75 Vehicle The GV75 series includes two GPS trackers designed for watercraft and water sports applications.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof

Queclink GV75W Vehicle The GV75 series includes two GPS trackers designed for watercraft and water sports applications.
ECO / Accelerometer, Waterproof

Queclink GV800 Vehicle The GV800 is a full featured GNSS tracker which supports RF short frequencies wireless communication.
Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Raveon M7-GX Asset, Vehicle
Remintel Orbisat 100 Satellite, Vehicle Hybrid. Can use both GSM and satellite to communicate with GpsGate.
SOS, Satellite

Rikaline GpsLogisticPro Asset, Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer

RITI Technology Inc SLS-00886 Vehicle

RITI Technology Inc SLS-012SF Vehicle SOS

Robustel iGT06 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

Rodsum AroTrack AR307 Vehicle Arotrack AT306 is a compact device designed for vehicles, watercrafts and boats. Designed for 3G/4G and WIFI networks.
ECO / Accelerometer, Wifi, Camera, RFID

Rodsum AroTrack aroc@tor AL302 Personal Aroc@tor series personal locator solution is to enhance your peace of mind with your family members, especially the kids, elderly people and disables.
Internal Battery

Rodsum AroTrack AT105 Vehicle A compact and reliable cost-effective device designed both vehicles and watercrafts.
External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Rodsum AroTrack AT106 Vehicle Arotrack AT106 dual is a compact device designed for both vehicles and watercrafts.

Rodsum Arotrack AT306 Vehicle Arotrack AT306 is a compact device designed for vehicles, watercrafts and boats.
CANBUS, Can bus, Camera, RFID

Ruptela FM-Eco3 Vehicle Basic vehicle tracker with fuel monitoring possibility

Ruptela FM-Eco4 light Vehicle The smallest Ruptela developed and manufactured GPS tracking device
ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire

Ruptela FM-Eco4+ Vehicle Internal Battery, Waterproof, GLONASS

Ruptela FM-Plug4 Vehicle OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer

Ruptela FM-Pro3 Vehicle GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Ruptela FM-Pro3-R Vehicle Advanced vehicle tracker with voice channel
GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Ruptela FM-Pro4 Vehicle Advanced GPS tracker
Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, SOS, iButton / 1-Wire

Ruptela FM-Tco3 Vehicle GLONASS
Ruptela FM-Tco4 Vehicle CANBUS

Ruptela Trailer Tracker Asset Powerful and easy to install tracker designed for trailers
Internal Battery

Sanav CT-24 Personal Internal Battery

Sanav CT-58 Asset, Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

Sanav CT-58A Asset, Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

Sanav GC-101 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Sanav GS-818 Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Sanav GS-819 Asset, Vehicle Garmin FMI, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

Sanav GX-101 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna

Sanav MT-101 Personal SOS

Sanav MU-201 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Sanav QG-201 Personal Wrist watch tracker
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Sasktel BlueTree 5600v2 Vehicle The BlueTree 5600v2 is a rugged 4G modem that offers a wireless internet connection for in-vehicle applications. Features GPS and EV-DO Rev A capabilities.
External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, CDMA

Sendum PT300 Asset, Vehicle Easily track and monitor packages, shipments, and mobile assets.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Shenzhen Boyna Technology ELM327 Vehicle The ELM327 OBD locator is a compact OBD-type GPS vehicle positioning terminal.

Sierra Wireless AirLink GX440 Vehicle Supporting 4G LTE
Waterproof, Wifi

Sierra Wireless AirLink GX450 Vehicle LTE Wireless Gateway
Garmin FMI, OBDII, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, Satellite

Sierra Wireless AIRLINK LS300 Vehicle Compact industrial 3G gateway

Sierra Wireless Airlink Pinpoint Vehicle

Sierra Wireless GNX-3 Vehicle Full Featured Vehicle Tracking Unit For Basic Tracking Applications
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Sierra Wireless GNX-5P Vehicle Fleet Tracking with Wireless Communications
CANBUS, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire

Sierra Wireless GNX-6 Vehicle Fleet Tracking with Low Energy Bluetooth and CAN/J1708/1939 Technology
CANBUS, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire

Sierra Wireless MG90 Vehicle high performance LTE-Advanced vehicle multi-networking platform

Sierra Wireless MP70 The AirLink® MP70 is a high performance, LTE-Advanced vehicle router developed specifically for mobile mission critical applications in public safety, transit and field services.
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Water-resistant, Wifi, GLONASS
Sierra Wireless MP700 Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Sinocastel IDD-212G Vehicle CANBUS, OBD

Sinocastel IDD-213G Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Sinocastel LT-160 Asset Long Stand-by GPS Tracker
Internal Battery

Sinocastel LT-162 Vehicle LT-162 is a vehicle GPS Tracker with wide range voltage input, compact size, and built-in GPS/GSM antenna
Internal Battery

Sinocastel MPIP-618 Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna

Sinocastel MPIP-619 Vehicle For motorcycle and vehicle management.
Internal Battery

Sinocastel MPIP-620 Vehicle professional motorcycle GPS tracker
Internal Battery
SkyTrack JB 101 Vehicle Internal Battery

SkyWave GT1100 Asset GT1100 is a ruggedized, easy-to-install device with a low profile, making it ideal for tracking trailers, railcars, chassis and containers.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Satellite, CDMA

SkyWave IDP-680 Satellite, Vehicle Waterproof, External GPS Antenna, Satellite

SkyWave IDP-690 Satellite, Vehicle Waterproof, Satellite

SkyWave IDP-780 flex Satellite, Vehicle CANBUS, Can bus, OBD, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Wifi, Satellite

SkyWave IDP-800 Asset, Satellite, Vehicle Internal Battery, Waterproof, Satellite

SkyWave SG-7100 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Wifi

SkyWave SkyWave Satellite, Vehicle Satellite (Inmarsat) and GRPS and Inmarsat hybrids

SmartSole GTX Corp smartsole GPS SmartSole® is a smartphone hidden and sealed in a trim-able shoe insole.
Internal Battery

SmartTrakTech ZEAL TRACK Asset SEAL TRAKTM is Smart Trak Technologies’ flagship product, delivering the most enhanced security for cargo visibility at any point along the supply chain.
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Spetrotec i-Watcher AVL Vehicle i-Watcher AVL is a versatile and cost-effective GSM/GPS cellular monitoring unit which provides Online
tracking capabilities for cars, trucks and motorbikes.

ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, GLONASS, Fuel Sensor

Spetrotec i-Watcher Cellular Alarm Vehicle versatile and cost-effective GSM/GPS cellular alarm and control unit
ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS, RFID

SRT SRT278 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

SRT SRT299 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

SRT SRT306 Personal Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Starcom Systems Helios Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Stellar DS300 Satellite Orbcomm satellite tracker
Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Suntech ST200 Vehicle

Suntech ST210 Vehicle Internal Battery, Waterproof

SunTech ST215 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna

Suntech ST300 Vehicle CANBUS, Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Suntech ST310U Vehicle Advanced Vehicle Tracker
Internal Battery, Waterproof, GLONASS

Suntech ST330 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Water-resistant, External GPS Antenna

Suntech ST340 Vehicle Water-resistant Mini Tracker
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Suntech ST350 Vehicle Water-resistant Low Cost Vehicle Tracker
Internal Battery, Water-resistant

Suntech ST500 Vehicle Multiprotocol OBD II Tracker
Internal Battery

Suntech ST600 Vehicle Advanced Vehicle Tracker (3G + 2G)
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Suntech ST600 UP Vehicle it uses the universal protocol developed by Suntech and has a big feature that allows the user to easily edit the protocol contents using the setting tool.

This structure helps to reduce the data cost of the SIM depending on the customer’s business model if necessary.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Suntech ST690 Asset Multi-purpose Mini Asset Tracker
Internal Battery, Water-resistant

SunTech ST910 Asset, Personal, Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Suntech ST940 Asset Multi-purpose MiniAsset Tracker
Internal Battery, Water-resistant

Suntech STU630 Vehicle STU630 Hibernating Trailer Tracker

Suntech STU640 Vehicle Water-resistant Mini Tracker
Internal Battery, Water-resistant

Suntech STU650 Vehicle Multiprotocol OBD II Tracker
Internal Battery

Superguard VT-02 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Superguard VT-05 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

SysTech Careu P2 Personal Locate and Monitor the People You Care Wherever They Go
Internal Battery, SOS

SysTech CAREU U1 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

SysTech CAREU U1 Lite Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, External GPS Antenna

SysTech CAREU U1 Lite-Waterproof Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Waterproof

SysTech CAREU U1 Lite+ Vehicle Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS, Satellite, iButton / 1-Wire

SysTech CAREU U1 Plus Vehicle Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, Wifi, GLONASS, Satellite, iButton / 1-Wire

SysTech CAREU U3 Vehicle Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, Satellite, iButton / 1-Wire

SysTech CAREU UCAN Vehicle DTC OBD II error codes
CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, Fuel Sensor

SysTech CAREU Ueco Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS, Satellite, iButton / 1-Wire

SysTech CAREU Ugo Vehicle DTC OBD II error codes
CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery

SysTech CAREU Usmart Vehicle Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna

SysTech CAREU UT1 Vehicle OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, GLONASS, Satellite, iButton / 1-Wire

SysTech Careu UW1 Vehicle Waterproof GPS tracker
ECO / Accelerometer, Waterproof, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

SysTech IntelliTrac A1 Vehicle Reliable vehicle tracker
Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

SysTech IntelliTrac A1 Lite Vehicle

SyStech IntelliTrac A3 Vehicle

SysTech Intellitrac P1 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

SysTech IntelliTrac X1 Vehicle Reliable vehicle tracker

SysTech IntelliTrac X1 Plus Vehicle Reliable vehicle tracker
Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna

SysTech IntelliTrac X1 Pro Vehicle Reliable vehicle tracker

SysTech IntelliTrac X8 Vehicle
TeamSharp MT100 Personal Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof
TeamSharp MT400 Personal Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof
TeamSharp PT600 Personal Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Telic Picotrack Asset, Personal Powerful miniaturized tracking device for tracking people, goods or vehicles
Internal Battery

Telic Picotrack Endurance Solar Asset An asset tracking device with an IP67 grade housing used to reliably track large valuable assets. With an integrated high-performance solar panel.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, GLONASS

Teltonika Asset Tracker Easy Asset Unit is perfect for valuable goods tracking, wire reels, tools, construction equipment, containers, wagons, scissor lifts and many other non-powered assets.
ECO / Accelerometer, Water-resistant, GLONASS

Teltonika AT1000 Asset Asset tracking
Internal Battery

Teltonika AT1200 Asset Internal Battery

Teltonika AT2000 Asset Teltonika AT2000 GPS Asset Trackers with long battery life (up to 17 weeks with a message a day) and integrated magnets, this makes this tracker in a robust and effective Standalone GPS
Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FM1000 Vehicle OBDII

Teltonika FM1010 Vehicle OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS

Teltonika FM1100 Vehicle Green driving
External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FM1110 Vehicle GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FM1120 Vehicle, Software GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FM1122 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FM1125 Vehicle External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FM1200 Vehicle

Teltonika FM1202 Vehicle Waterproof, GLONASS

Teltonika FM1204 Vehicle Waterproof, GLONASS

Teltonika FM2100 Vehicle FM2100 is light terminal with GPS and GSM connectivity, which is able to get device coordinates and other data and transfer them via GSM network. This device is perfectly suitable for applications where location acquirement of remote objects is needed.
External GPS Antenna

Teltonika FM2200 Vehicle Compact AVL device

Teltonika FM3001 Vehicle Advanced Plug and Track real-time tracking terminal with GNSS, 3G and Blue-tooth connectivity
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Teltonika FM3200 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna

Teltonika FM3300 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Teltonika FM3400 Vehicle FM3400 is light terminal with GPS and GSM connectivity, which is able to get device coordinates and other data and transfer them via GSM network.
ECO / Accelerometer

Teltonika FM3600 Vehicle FM3600 is light real-time tracking terminal with GPS/GLONASS and 3G/GSM connectivity with backup battery, which is able to collect device coordinates and other useful data and transfer them via 3G/GSM network.
Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS

Teltonika FM3612 Vehicle Advanced 3G tracker with internal high gain GNSS and 3G antennas, internal backup battery
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FM3620 Vehicle FM3620 is light real-time tracking terminal with GPS/GLONASS and 3G/GSM connectivity with backup battery, which is able to collect device coordinates and other useful data and transfer them via 3G/GSM network.
Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS

Teltonika FM3622 Vehicle Small and professional tracker with external high gain GNSS and 3G antennas, internal backup battery
Internal Battery, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FM36M1 Vehicle Special NB-IoT and LTE CATM1 tracker with high gain GNSS and IoT/GSM antennas, internal backup battery.
ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FM4100 Vehicle FM4100 is a terminal with GPS and GSM connectivity, which is able to get device coordinates and transfer them via GSM network.
ECO / Accelerometer

Teltonika FM4200 Vehicle Very complete vehicle AVL device. Includes CAN-bus support.
ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Teltonika FM5300 Vehicle FM5300 is advanced terminal with GLONASS/GPS positioning and GSM connectivity, which is able to get device coordinates and other data and transfer them via GSM network.
Garmin FMI, CANBUS, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

Teltonika FM5500 Vehicle FM5500 is advanced terminal with GLONASS/GPS positioning and GSM connectivity, which is able to get device coordinates and other data and transfer them via GSM network.
CANBUS, OBD, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

Teltonika FM6300 Vehicle Heavy transport tracking device on 3G networks
CANBUS, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Water-resistant, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Teltonika FM6320 Vehicle Heavy transport tracking device on 3G networks
CANBUS, Can bus, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, Camera, RFID

Teltonika FMA110 Vehicle Small and professional tracker with internal high gain GNSS and GSM antennas
ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FMA120 Vehicle Small and professional tracker with internal high gain GNSS and GSM antennas, internal backup battery
ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FMA202 Vehicle Small and professional waterproof tracker with internal high gain GNSS/GSM antennas and high capacity internal Ni-MH battery
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FMA204 Vehicle Small and professional waterproof tracker with internal high gain GNSS/GSM antennas and high capacity internal Li-ion battery
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

Teltonika FMB001 Vehicle Advanced Plug and Track real-time tracking terminal with GNSS, GSM and Bluetooth connectivity
ECO / Accelerometer, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS

Teltonika FMB002 Vehicle Advanced Plug and Track real-time tracking terminal with GNSS, GSM and Bluetooth connectivity.
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS

Teltonika FMB003 Vehicle Plug and play device with OEM parameters reading capability dedicated to OBD applications of next generation!

CANBUS, Can bus, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS

Teltonika FMB010 Vehicle An easy Plug and Track real-time tracking terminal with GNSS, GSM and Bluetooth connectivity
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS

Teltonika FMB020 Vehicle FMB020 is an ultra-small OBDII plug and track device with GNSS, GSM and Bluetooth connectivity for a true connected car application.
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS

Teltonika FMB100 Vehicle Special and small waterproof GNSS tracker with built-in accelerometer and gyroscope.
ECO / Accelerometer

Teltonika FMB110 Vehicle GNSS/GSM/Blue-tooth tracker with internal GNSS/GSM antennas
ECO / Accelerometer, Water-resistant, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FMB120 Vehicle GNSS/GSM/Bluetooth tracker with internal GNSS/GSM antennas and internal battery
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

Teltonika FMB122 Vehicle GNSS/GSM/Bluetooth tracker with external GNSS, internal GSM antennas and internal battery
ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FMB125 – RS232 + RS485 Vehicle GNSS/GSM/Bluetooth tracker with external GNSS, internal GSM antennas, RS232, RS485 interfaces and internal battery
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika FMB202 Vehicle Small and professional waterproof tracker with internal high gain GNSS/GSM antenas, Bluetooth and high capacity internal Ni-MH battery
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof

Teltonika FMB630 Vehicle FMB630 fleet management device is advanced tracking GSM/GNSS/Bluetooth terminal with dual SIM functionality, camera support, J1708 and dual J1939 vehicle CAN BUS support, remote tachograph DDD files download capability, RS232/RS485 support and many other advanced features.
CANBUS, Can bus, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire, Camera

Teltonika FMB640 Vehicle Leading GNSS/GSM/Bluetooth Terminal for advanced applications
ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor, RFID

Teltonika FMB900 Vehicle Small and smart tracker with micro SD card and Bluetooth v3.0
ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS

Teltonika FMB920 Vehicle Small and smart tracker with micro SD card, Bluetooth v3.0 and internal backup battery
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery

Teltonika FMC125 Vehicle Advanced LTE terminal with GNSS and LTE/3G/GSM connectivity, RS485/RS232 interfaces and backup battery.
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire, RFID

Teltonika FMC130 Vehicle Newly introduced FMC130 is a small ADVANCED series device with 4G (LTE Cat 1) network coverage including 3G (UMTS), 2G (GSM) fallback compatibility.
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Teltonika FMC640 Asset, Vehicle Leading GNSS/LTE/3G/GSM Terminal designed for advanced applications with high capacity backup battery and external antennas
CANBUS, OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire
Teltonika FMM125 Advanced CAT M1/GSM/GNSS/BLE terminal with internal antennas, RS485, RS232 interfaces and backup battery

Teltonika FMT100 Vehicle Special and small waterproof GNSS tracker with built-in accelerometer and gyroscope.
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer

Teltonika GH1201 Personal The Teltonika GH-1201 GPS Personal Tracker is a handheld terminal with GSM and GPS connectivity
Internal Battery, SOS

Teltonika GH1202 Personal

Teltonika GH3000 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Teltonika GH4000 Personal supports Quad-band
Internal Battery, SOS

Teltonika GH5200 Personal Autonomous personal tracker for lone worker protection.

Teltonika MH2000 Personal The Teltonika MH2000 GPS Personal Tracker is a handheld terminal with GSM and GPS connectivity, which is able to get device coordinates and transfer them via GSM network. No installation is required. This device is perfectly suitable for applications where location acquirement of remote objects is needed and perfectly suites for securing company’s assets.
Internal Battery, SOS

Teltonika RUT955 Vehicle LTE (100Mbps / 50Mbps) dual SIM router with WiFi, 4x Ethernet ports, I/O, RS232, RS485, GNSS

Teltonika Teltonika FMB130 Vehicle FMB130 is ADVANCED tracker with internal GNSS, GSM antennas, configurable digital/analogue inputs/negative input/impulse inputs, three DOUT outputs, Bluetooth connectivity and backup battery.
GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika Teltonika FMB204 Vehicle Teltonika FMB204 is a SPECIAL waterproof (IP67) tracker with Bluetooth connectivity, internal high gain GNSS and GSM antennas and integrated high capacity backup battery.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika TFT100 Asset, Vehicle Small, professional and waterproof tracker for e-forklifts and e-scooters with internal high gain GNSS/GSM antennas, Bluetooth, high capacity internal Li-ion battery and 10-97 V power supply range.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Teltonika TMT250 Personal Autonomous personal tracker with GNSS, GSM and Blue-tooth connectivity.

Teltonika TSM232 Satellite

Teltonika TST100 Asset, Vehicle Sophisticated solution for electric kick skooters
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, GLONASS

Think Power TE102F Vehicle GPS Car tracker

Think Power TE103F Vehicle Vehicle GPS tracker
SOS, CDMA, iButton / 1-Wire

Think Power TP302 Vehicle Multi functional vehicle GPS tracker

Think Power TP303 Vehicle Advanced 3G GPS Tracker
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

TOPFLYTECH T8608 Vehicle TOPFLYTECH T8608 is an easy OBDII plug and play tracker with internal GNSS, GSM and Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity.
OBDII, External GSM / GPRS Antenna

TOPFLYTECH T8608D Vehicle TOPFLYTECH T8608D is an easy OBDII plug and play tracker with GNSS, GSM and Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity.

TOPFLYTECH T8803+E Vehicle TOPFLYTECH T8803+E is a classic waterproof(IP66) tracker with Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity, internal High Gain GNSS and GSM antennas and integrated backup battery.
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof, External GSM / GPRS Antenna

TOPFLYTECH T8806+R Vehicle TOPFLYTECH T8806+R is designed for communication with various third-party devices, such as tire pressure sensors(BLE/RS232), temperature sensors, fuel sensors, RFID/fingerprint reader(RS232), etc.
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, Fuel Sensor, RFID

TOPFLYTECH T8808+ Vehicle TOPFLYTECH T8808+ is a compact and smart tracker with internal High Gain GNSS and GSM antennas and integrated backup battery.
Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna

TOPFLYTECH TLD1-A/TLD1-E Vehicle LTE CAT-M1(eMTC)/CAT-NB1(NB-IoT) easy install OBDII tracking device designed for insurance, car leasing and real-time monitoring applications.
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS

TOPFLYTECH TLD1-E/DE Vehicle easy install OBDII tracking device designed for insurance, car leasing and real-time monitoring applications
OBDII, ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS

TOPFLYTECH TLW1 Series Vehicle TLW1-4/8/10A (North America) and TLW1-4/8/10E (Europe)
ECO / Accelerometer, GLONASS

Topin CT1, CT1-b Vehicle Mini Real GPS Tracker GSM Locator for Car Auto Vehicle Motorcycle Scooter Truck Input Wide Voltage7V 12V 24V 48V
Internal Battery

Topin D3 Vehicle TOPIN Micro Mini GPS Tracker For Car Motorcycle Children Elder Pets Luggage Locator Real Time Call Voice Monitoring App Tracking

Internal Battery

Topin D7 Asset, Personal, Vehicle TOPIN Micro Mini GPS Tracker Remote Control With App Tracking For Car Motorcycle Children Luggage Locator Real Time Call Voice
Internal Battery

Topin G02 Personal, Vehicle Mini GPS Tracker Builtin Battery GSM GPS Wifi LBS For Car Motorcycle Vehicle Tracking Device With APP Online Tracking
Internal Battery, Wifi

Topin G03 Asset, Personal, Vehicle TOPIN G03 Mini GPS Tracker Wifi

Topin MD602 Personal Mini GPS Trackers Locator with SOS Alarm Real-time Positioning Historical Tracking for Kid Children Pet Car
Internal Battery, SOS

Topin MD603 Asset, Vehicle Micro Mini Hidden GPS Locator Anti-lost Tracker Tyre Desgin Real-time Call Positioning Web/App Tracking for Car Vehicle Children
Internal Battery

Topin MD801 Vehicle New Strong Magnetic Expert GPS Tracker Locator Anti-Lost Alarm Device Free Installation Remote Monitoring for Car Vehicle Motor
Internal Battery

Topin MD802 Personal, Vehicle Mini Micro GPS Tracker Personal Locator GPS+ AGPS+LBS+Wifi Geo-fence Real-time Call Tracking for Children Pets Vehicle
Internal Battery, Wifi

Topin T3 Personal, Vehicle Super Mini Built-in Microphone GPS Tracker SOS Real-time Call Tracking Playback Web APP for Children Pets Vehicle Locator
Internal Battery

Topin ZX-P01 Asset, Personal, Vehicle Waterproof Mini GPS Tracker Locator for Kids Children Pets Cats Dogs Collar Animal Vehicle Free APP for iOS/Android Web Tracking
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Topin ZX302 With Battery Vehicle Mini GPS Tracker Real-time Call Voice Monitoring Web/App Tracking SMS Control Monitor For Children Pet Luggage Car Locator
Internal Battery

Topin ZX601 Personal, Vehicle Mini GPS Tracker Locator SOS Real-time Call Voice Monitoring Web APP tracking for Children Pets Cats Dog Vehicle
Internal Battery

Topin ZX612 With Battery Vehicle Mini Built-in Microphone GPS Tracker SOS Real-time Call Tracking Playback APP Monitor For Children Pet Vehicle Car Locator
Internal Battery

TopLovo TL007 Personal Internal Battery

TopLovo TL106 Vehicle SOS, Waterproof

TopLovo TL108 Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

TopLovo TL109 Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

TopLovo TL201 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

TopLovo TL202 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

TopLovo TL208 Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

TopLovo TL301 Personal Specially designed for pets security
Internal Battery, Waterproof

TopLovo TLBC-01 Asset TLBC-01 is a GPS Tracker suitable for Cargo transportation
Totemtek AT03 Vehicle Waterproof, Fuel Sensor

Totemtek AT07 Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, Fuel Sensor

Totemtek AT09 Vehicle GPS tracker + Tire Pressure Monitor
ECO / Accelerometer, Fuel Sensor

Tracetree HC-T1 Vehicle Portable GPS tracker with magnet.
Internal Battery

Tracetree HC-T2 Asset, Vehicle Waterproof vehicle and asset tracker
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Tracetree HC-T3 Vehicle Tracker with external antennas
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Tracetree HC-T4 Vehicle Professional tracker with external antennas
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Trendtek TK1000 Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Trimble TM3000 Vehicle CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, SOS, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

Trimble TrimTrac Vehicle Internal Battery, Waterproof

TWIG TWIG Embody Clip The Wearable 3G/GSM/GNSS Personal Alarm Device with Removable Belt Clip
Internal Battery, SOS

TWIG TWIG Embody Embed The Wearable 3G/GSM/GNSS Personal Alarm Adaptable to Various Lone Worker and Personal Safety Needs
Internal Battery, SOS

TWIG TWIG Embody Hook The Wearable 3G/GSM/GNSS Personal Alarm Device with Removable Carbine Hook and Velcro Loop

TWIG TWIG Embody ID The Wearable 3G/GSM/GNSS Personal Alarm with Removable ID Badge Holder, Carrying Strap and Ripcord
Internal Battery, SOS

TWIG TWIG Embody Pendant The Wearable 3G/GSM/GNSS Personal Alarm with Carrying Strap and Ripcord
Internal Battery, SOS

TWIG TWIG Embody Wrist The Wearable 3G/GSM/GNSS Personal Safety Device with Removable Wrist Band
Internal Battery, SOS

TWIG TWIG Protector The Complete 3G/GSM/GNSS Personal Alarm Device for Lone Worker Protection and Telecare
Internal Battery, SOS

TWIG TWIG Protector EasyS The Simple 3G/GNSS/GSM Personal Alarm for Lone Worker Protection and Telecare
Internal Battery, SOS

TWIG TWIG Protector Ex The Intrinsically Safe 3G/GSM/GNSS Lone Worker Alarm for Explosive Hazardous Areas
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

TWIG TWIG Protector Pro The Powerful 3G/GSM/GNSS Lone worker Alarm for Noisy and Demanding Environments
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

TWIG TWIG Protector Pro Ex The Intrinsically Safe 3G/GSM/GNSS Lone Worker Alarm for Noisy and Demanding Explosive Hazardous Areas
Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

TWIG TWIG SOSCard The lone worker alarm device in the form of an ID badge
Internal Battery, SOS

TytanSAT / Digital Systems DS520 Vehicle GSM/GPRS device designed for real time tracking of vehicles and cargo or supervising technical objects. It is intended for passenger, construction, money transport and agricultural vehicles, buses, trucks etc. with either 12V or 24V power supply.
CANBUS, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

TytanSAT / Digital Systems DS540 Vehicle GSM/GPRS device designed for real time tracking of vehicles and cargo or supervising technical objects. It is intended for passenger, construction, money transport and agricultural vehicles, buses, trucks etc. with either 12V or 24V power supply.
CANBUS, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, iButton / 1-Wire

Tzone Digital TZ-AVL02 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Tzone Digital TZ-AVL02B Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Fuel Sensor
Tzone Digital TZ-AVL03 Vehicle

TZone Digital TZ-AVL05 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Fuel Sensor

Tzone Digital TZ-AVL05 3G Asset, Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

Tzone Digital TZ-AVL08 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, GLONASS, Fuel Sensor

Tzone Digital TZ-AVL09 Vehicle Can built-in RFID Reader with 2.4G RFID tag, SD driving record
SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Fuel Sensor, Camera

Tzone Digital TZ-AVL10 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, Fuel Sensor

Tzone Digital TZ-AVL11 Asset, Vehicle Internal Battery, RFID

Tzone Digital TZ-AVL19 Asset, Vehicle ECO / Accelerometer, iButton / 1-Wire

Tzone Digital TZ-AVL201 Vehicle Internal Battery, Waterproof

Tzone Digital TZ-AVL301 Vehicle Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire

Tzone Digital TZ-GT08 Personal
Tzone Digital TZ-GT09 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

TZone Digital TZ-VN06 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Fuel Sensor

U-Drive UDrive UDT910 Vehicle

U-Drive UDrive UDTMT02 Vehicle For motorcycles
Internal Battery, SOS

Ulbotech Ulbotech 360 / T36x Vehicle GPS Tracker T360 is an advanced tracking device with OBD port design

Ulbotech Ulbotech 370 / T37x 3G WCDMA GPS Tracker

Ulbotech Ulbotech T301 / T303 Basic vehicle tracking device. T303 is upgraded version of T301

Uselink UGN6080 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

Viczone T300C Vehicle Also available under the brands CW-801, CW-701
SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna
Viczone T80 Personal Ankle Tracker For Parole
Internal Battery, SOS

Virtec VIRLOC 10 Vehicle CANBUS, Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

Virtec VIRLOC 5 Vehicle Internal Battery

Visiontek 84VT Vehicle SOS

Visiontek 86VT Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

VJoy Car Electronics Limited T0024 Vehicle Micro universal gps tracking chipset 12V -60V for all vehicles

VJoy Car Electronics Limited T12 Asset, Personal, Vehicle Waterproof magnet gps tracker with long battery life 2200mAh rechargeable battery, slim design, most popular Chinese device
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Vjoy Car Electronics Limited T15400 Asset, Personal, Vehicle Waterproof magnet gps tracker with long battery life 15400mAh rechargeable battery, standby upto 3600 days
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Vjoy Car Electronics Limited T16 Vehicle Big tail lamp bike gps tracker with long battery life
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Vjoy Car Electronics Limited T18 Vehicle Big tail lamp bike gps tracker with long battery life
Internal Battery, Waterproof

VJoy Car Electronics Limited T19 Vehicle Small tail lamp bike gps tracker with long battery life
Internal Battery, Waterproof

VJoy Car Electronics Limited T4400 Asset, Personal, Vehicle Waterproof magnet gps tracker with long battery life 4400mAh rechargeable battery
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Vjoy Car Electronics Limited T8800 Asset, Personal, Vehicle Waterproof magnet gps tracker with long battery life 8800mAh rechargeable battery

Internal Battery, Waterproof

Vjoy Car Electronics Limited TK05 Asset, Personal, Vehicle SD Offline & WiFi waterproof magnetic gps tracker with long battery life 5000mAh rechargeable battery
Internal Battery, Waterproof

VJoy Car Electronics Limited TK05G Asset, Personal, Vehicle Portable 5000mAh 3G GPS tracker with long battery life, sd card offline data logger, wifi tracking and voice monitor
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Vjoy Car Electronics Limited TK10 Asset, Personal, Vehicle SD Offline & WiFi waterproof magnetic gps tracker with long battery life 10000mAh rechargeable battery
Internal Battery, Waterproof

VJoy Car Electronics Limited TK12 Asset portable asset gps tracking device with internal 2200mAh battery, theory standby time can get upto 450days.
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Vjoy Car Electronics Limited TK15 Asset, Personal Internal Battery, Waterproof

Vjoy Car Electronics Limited TK20 Asset, Personal, Vehicle SD Offline & WiFi waterproof magnetic gps tracker with long battery life, over 1 year, 20000mAh rechargeable battery.
Internal Battery, Waterproof

VJoy Car Electronics Limited TK20G Asset, Personal, Vehicle Portable 20000mAh 3G GPS tracker with long battery life, sd card offline data logger, wifi tracking and voice monitor
Internal Battery, Waterproof

VNET Technology TG102A Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

WebTech WT5000 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, iButton / 1-Wire

Wireless Links Piccolo ATX Asset Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Wireless Links Piccolo ATX2S Solar Powered Asset Solar powered Asset Tracking
Internal Battery

Wireless Links Piccolo Hybrid Asset, Vehicle Dual mode for trailer tracking
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Wireless Links Piccolo Plus Vehicle Garmin FMI, ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Wifi, iButton / 1-Wire

Wireless Links Piccolo STX Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, iButton / 1-Wire

WLINK WLINK Router Vehicle Wifi, CDMA

Wonde Proud WondeX M7 Vehicle Magnetic Installation GPS Portable Tracker
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Wonde Proud WondeX VT10 Vehicle Internal Battery, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Wonde Proud WondeX VT300 Vehicle SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

WondeProud VT200 Vehicle External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

XE Electronics Technology Co LK310 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Xeelectech LK106 Personal, Vehicle Track Private cars/Vehicle rental / Equipment outside etc
Protect child / the elderly/ the disabled / pet /property etc
Provide peace-of-mind for businessmen
Manage field staff
Track criminal secretly
Manage the person bailed

Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Xeelectech LK109 Asset, Personal, Vehicle Track Private cars/Vehicle rental / Equipment outside etc
Protect child / the elderly/ the disabled / pet /property etc
Provide peace-of-mind for businessmen
Manage field staff
Track criminal secretly
Manage the person bailed

Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Xeelectech LK206(GT06) Vehicle Track Motorcycle/Private cars/Vehicle rental / Equipment outside Monitor company vehicles
Internal Battery

Xeelectech LK206A Vehicle Track Motorcycle/Private cars/Vehicle rental / Equipment outside Monitor company vehicles
Internal Battery

Xeelectech LK320 Vehicle Track Private cars/Vehicle rental / Equipment outside monitor company vehicles
Internal Battery, SOS

Xeelectech LK330 Asset, Vehicle Track Private cars/Vehicle rental / Equipment outside container/cargo

Xeelectech XE-103 Asset, Vehicle Track Private cars/Vehicle rental / Equipment outside etc
Track container/cargo

Internal Battery, SOS

Xeelectech XE120 Asset, Personal, Vehicle Track Private cars/Vehicle rental / Equipment outside etc
Protect child / the elderly/ the disabled / pet /property etc
Provide peace-of-mind for businessmen
Manage field staff
Track criminal secretly
Manage the person bailed

Internal Battery, Wifi, GLONASS

Xeelectech XE208 Asset, Personal, Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS

Xeelectech XE209 Asset, Vehicle Track Private cars/Vehicle rental / Equipment outside container/cargo

Internal Battery

Xeelectech XE209 C Asset, Vehicle Internal Battery

Xeelectech XE209B Asset, Vehicle Track Private cars/Vehicle rental / Equipment outside container/cargo
Internal Battery

Xeelectech XE210 Vehicle Track Motorcycle/Private cars/Vehicle rental / Equipment outside Monitor company vehicle
Internal Battery

Xexun TK101 Vehicle

Xexun TK102 Personal Low cost personal trackers. Many customer complains around this tracker.

Xexun TK102-2 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Xexun TK103 Vehicle

Xexun TK103-2 Vehicle Low cost AVL tracker
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Xexun TK201 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Xexun TK201-2 Asset, Personal, Vehicle GPS Portable Tracker
Internal Battery, Waterproof

Xexun TK202 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Xexun XT008 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna, Fuel Sensor

Xexun XT009 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Xexun XT011 Vehicle Internal Battery, SOS, Waterproof

Xexun XT107 Personal Internal Battery, SOS

Xirgo FM Blue+ Vehicle RS232 / EIA485 / 1-Wire / 4x digital / 3x analog inputs, 3 outputs
CANBUS, OBD, Internal Battery, SOS

Xirgo FMS-500 Light Vehicle FMS500 Light – If crash detection and output control is not enough, you can always add Driver identification or RFID to the solution and even connect additional fuel level sensors which work through analog or frequency mode.
ECO / Accelerometer, Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire

Xirgo FMS-500 Light+ Vehicle By adding to the hardware RS-232, RS-485 and Wiegand 26 support, FMS500 Light+ can be used for the most cases in the market.
ECO / Accelerometer, Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor

Xirgo FMS-500 ONE Vehicle FMS500 One – simple but powerful device with internal 3 axis accelerometer, flexible internal logic and crash detection. By simply adjusting the accelerometer settings you can track driver behavior, monitor crash and use controllable output for security reasons.
ECO / Accelerometer, Waterproof

Xirgo FMS-500 StCAN Vehicle FMS500 StCAN is a device with 2 CAN-bus lines, which can work simultaneously, FMS500 StCAN device can be used in all types of fleets like trucks, light vehicles, agricultural machinery and other.
Can bus, ECO / Accelerometer, Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire, Fuel Sensor, RFID

Xirgo FMS-500 Tacho Vehicle FMS500 TACHO is a new generation fleet management device with full range of CAN-BUS data, remote tachograph data download and a wide variety of available accessories which make this device a powerful tool for satisfying the needs of the most demanding customer in fleet management field.
CANBUS, Can bus, OBDII, Waterproof, iButton / 1-Wire

Xirgo XT-2000G Vehicle Versatile plug and play OBD II device that directly monitors and communicates vital vehicle information

Xirgo XT-2060G Vehicle CANBUS, OBD

Xirgo XT-4500 Vehicle Internal Battery, Waterproof

Xirgo XT-4560G Vehicle Compact tracking and control device with rechargeable battery controller with large rechargeable battery
Internal Battery

Xirgo XT2150G Vehicle Xirgo XT-2150 is a plug and play GPS tracker for mobile and remote asset monitoring and control.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna

Xirgo XT2160G The XT2100 Series is a compact tracking device for communicating mobile assets’ location and information.
ECO / Accelerometer, Internal Battery, External GPS Antenna

Xirgo XT4000G Vehicle XT-4000 is a powerful tracking, monitoring and control gateway designed for heavy equipment and long haul trucking applications.
External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Yuwei Y2551 Vehicle GPS tracker with video recorder function

Yuwei YW2211 Vehicle Car GPS Tracker with Over-speed Alarm, Listen-in Monitor

Yuwei YW3000 Vehicle Three day backup battery
Internal Battery, SOS, External GSM / GPRS Antenna, External GPS Antenna

Yuwei YW3000C Asset, Vehicle Large battery capacity, magnetic car mount

Yuwei YW3231 Vehicle GPS Vehicle Tracker, Supports Camera, Fuel Consumption